Digital Marketing, Thought Different.

Libélula Marketing Digital emerges as a project to help businesses reach their full potential through marketing solutions.

Values thatguide us 


We think big

We believe that there are no big goals, we develop strategies for you to reach your goals.


Based on data

The proposed objectives are always supported by data so that we can measure progress and achievement.


Customer orientation

We have partners, not clients, we get involved with the achievement of your objectives, because they are also our objectives.


Continuous learning

The world changes every day, we are open to learn every day to offer the best to our customers.

About me

Citlalli Orozco

Founder & CEO

After more than 15 years of working for corporations in different industries (consumer, services and pharmaceutical) in the commercial area, and having had the opportunity to work with wonderful people, I decided to undertake this project to share my experience and, together, create Marketing solutions that take businesses to their maximum potential.

My academic background in Marketing at the University, certifications in Digital Marketing and my experience in the Commercial area, have given me the opportunity to design and execute solutions that work, managing to become a partner of my clients, rather than a Marketing person who provides them with a service.

 My experience in praxis has led me to meet successful and very talented people, with whom I am fortunate to collaborate in various projects.

Do you want to know more about me? Visit my LinkedIn profile or contact us.

Our dreams come true

Grateful to our customers for their trust, we share with you some images.

Shall we start?

Every day all businesses in the world improve their strategies in the digital world, do not wait any longer.

© 2024 All Rights Reserved.

Marketing solutions for your business.

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