Corporate Identity

Corporate Identity

A well-known concept, but not always appreciated. It may be believed that only large corporations or companies should be careful with corporate identity, considering that they are the only ones that have brands with value, however this concept goes beyond that.

The importance of corporate identity lies in the public’s perception of the organization or company it represents, not only referring to the visual identity (logo), but all those elements related to the company.

It is through corporate identity that the organization transmits or communicates its value proposition to the public.

Perhaps up to this point, it all sounds like theory, but in everyday life you have probably been in contact with brands whose corporate identity resonates in your memory thanks to the construction of this identity.

It is no coincidence that many luxury brands use the color black, gold, for example, or health, legal or service institutions use the color blue, to name a few.

Psychology plays a very important role in corporate identity, specifically color psychology, since it is the selection of colors that will help organizations to convey the desired message to the public.

In other posts we have discussed marketing for business, and how it happens even before the target audience has contact with the company. Marketing starts at the moment we need to be visible or available when the public searches for the products or services we offer. Also known as the customer journey. And it is, from the first contact, that the customer receives stimuli or has contact with the company in such a way that they generate a perception of it.

Therefore, the importance of having a consistent corporate identity in the different media and platforms. From aspects that might seem inconsequential, such as stationery, to the company’s website.

Having an adequate management of the corporate identity will be an element of great importance to distinguish and stand out from other companies, generate interest and be attractive to the target audience, as well as to be remembered and above all to generate a positive perception.

It is important to create coherence between what is transmitted through the corporate identity and what is offered to the public, thus generating a positive experience.

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